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Gran Hotel Camaguey Hotel
Gran Hotel Camaguey Hotel
Camaguey, Camaguey
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from 66.00 €/night
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To all the historical and cultural fortune, the beauty of its landscapes, and the richness of its soil, adds Camagüey the hospitality of its inhabitants, that show their city with pride. The stronger their cultural roots, the more convincing about their identity and the more they take care of it.
A modern airport opens the gates of the city to the tourist, eager to admire its natural attractions.
Santa Lucía displays its transparent waters with its coral reef. Several species of coral, sponges, and tropical fish attract the look of the tourist. This amazing colorful image conjoins with the photo-hunting spots where ping flamingos and a diversity of migratory ducks coincide.
The Colón lighthouse, built in 1894, allows to admire a vanished world and reserves of rare sea turtle species.
In Camagüey, past and present magically harmonize. The heroic combines with idyllic ambiences, the plains allow soft and abrupt slopes. Everything seems to balance in order to offer the visitor a pleasant universe.
Modern architecture imposes itself progressively in Camagüey, but the value of its colonial constructions continue to make of this province one of the richest regarding historical and cultural heritage.
Ignacio Agramonte's house allows to evoke the life of such a figure. Although the love between Ignacio and Amalia Simoni was always characterized by exquisite tenderness and elegance, those walls could not hold it. They went together to the battlefield, where their love grew stronger.
The complex street arrangement of the "Ciudad de los tinajones" (city of the large earthen jars), takes inexorably to plazas where these treasures can be admired and where history and culture are preserved. Churches remain as testimony of a dominant culture coming from the first years after the foundation of the city.

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